Parish Committees

FINANCE COMMITTEE-The Finance Committee assists the pastor in making financial decisions for the parish. This is an elected position, if you would be intersted in running for this committee please contact Father.

PARISH COUNCIL-The Parish Council assists the pastor in making decisions regarding the parish. This is an elected position, if you would be interested in running for this committee please contact Father.

LITURGY COMMITTEE-The Liturgy Committee meets monthly to provide assistance for the spiritual and physical needs for the Mass. The most active time for the committee is Advent/Christmas season and the Lent/Holy Week/Easter Seasons. If this committee interest you please contact the parish office. 

FAITH FORMATION-The Faith Formation Committee is comprised of members of St Ann and St Gertrude Parishes. They plan and offer opportunities for Fiath Development of parishioners, through Parish Missions, adult education retreats, and the Men and Women Catholic Conferences. 

CEMETARY COMMITTEE-The Cemetery Committee is responsible for overseaing the operation of the parish cemetery. Please see the guidelines in the back of church if you are interested in being a part of this committee. 

ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE-This is a group comprised of our young families that offer FUN activites for the parish year round. They are not a fundraising group just a group to bring the community to St Ann. If you are interested in being a part of this committee contact Carolyn Hanneken or Jamie Gildehaus. 

DINNER AUCTION COMMITTEE-This committee is comprised of a group of parishioners who work together to put our annual Dinner Auction together. Their main focus is to raise funds that will help the yearly running of the parish and help with large expenses that may be needed.

SHOOTING MATCH COMMITTEE-This group is responsible for putting on our annual spring and fall shooting matches. This is a long standing fundraiser here at St Ann and continues to bring the community together. Gary Rettke runs this committee and is always looking for more help.

COMEDY NIGHT COMMITTEE-This group is comprised of families who have their children enrolled in St Gertrude School. They put this event on each March to help raise money to offset the subsidy that St Ann pays for their children to attend St Gertrude Schoo.